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Dark Confusion (Dark Desire Book 1) Page 8
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Page 8
Moving to stand in front of the last cell on the left, silence became their new friend. This, they had never expected.
Taking a chance, believing in love
Sweat coated Callum’s chest, his breaths sawed in and out and his body ached like he had done a few hours lifting in the gym. That wasn’t the case here; it was more like battle. He had been in a few in his life, but none had prepared him for the battle he had just won.
He raced up the back staircase that would lead to the enforcers’ quarters. In his arms was an unconscious, yet, for now, sated Helena. He had refused to leave the dungeons the way he had entered. After what had occurred, there was no way in this realm or the next he would let any male look upon his mate. Sebastian and Dominic had entered, just as he had been about to leave, to warn him his time had been up. They had been true to their word and had warned him, at least giving him a little longer to cement the bond in place. There was still one part left to do and he would need Helena awake and responsive.
What a beautiful sight she was. Even though they were both coated in the grime from the dungeon’s floor, and their own blood, she still looked perfect in his eyes. Although his evening had started off dire, it was certainly looking up now. Callum had lost track of time, but whether it had been a few minutes or a few hours, all that mattered was that he had won. Although they hadn’t resorted to full intercourse, the three orgasms he had wrung out of her had been enough to force her demon back. The issue was, he didn’t know how long it would last.
Lifting her higher into his arms, he peeked his head out from the hidden doorway that was seldom used and looked up the corridor. With thanks to the gods and his fellow alphas, Callum stepped out and hurried towards his room. There was still the possibility that the council would show up and try to take Helena away again. Even though she had turned back, they would still be eager to interrogate her. Some - from what he had heard - felt that bringing her back would jeopardise the race and lead the humans to their realm. Callum couldn’t care less what they thought; they would not be taking his mate away from him. He would get her clean, wake her up and then seal the bond like they were supposed to do. Unfortunately, blood and orgasms, no matter how many, were not enough. Words needed to be spoken, vows to be taken, before they would be bonded together.
“Callum.” The deep voice calling from beside his door had Callum stopping. He tightened his grip on Helena as he faced both Dominic and Sebastian. It surprised him that they were waiting for him already but he had learned never to underestimate either of them. They had a knowledge and skill most warriors only dreamed of.
“Boys,” Callum answered, but said nothing else. Instead, he growled as Sebastian stepped forward and lifted Helena’s right hand that had slipped to the side. A feeling of intense hatred for Sebastian hit him square in the chest and he felt another growl rumble up his throat. Never in his life had he ever felt like this towards, not only his mentor, but his friend of many years.
“Easy, Callum.” Sebastian growled back before he held her hand, looking at her palm. “That’s the bonding taking effect,” Sebastian answered his thoughts, making Callum feel like his mind was an open book.
“Back off,” he growled again, tugging Helena’s hand from Sebastian and turning his body, trying to keep her out of view of the warriors. He couldn’t shake the feeling - the need - to keep her out of sight from any and all males, to claim his mate fully and mark her so everyone knew she was his.
Callum could feel his blood heating at the thought. Finally, after all this time. Helena had been his in word and oath since they were small but now, finally, she would be his in deed.
“My friend, you must hurry, we have delayed them for now,” Sebastian urged, unaware of the emotions flowing through Callum and Helena.
“HALT!” a Royal guard called from around the corner as more followed, flanking their leader. Although there was no longer a Royal family in residence, the high councillor still kept their names. Some thought he hoped for the return of the monarchy where as others knew he wanted power for himself and kept the term as he felt he would become the next king.
“That female is under arrest and should be in the dungeon.” The leader glared at Sebastian and Dominic as they stood at Callum’s side.
“The Female...” Callum sneered back, not at all happy with how they were talking about his mate, “Is fine and requires rest.”
“But she has turned and is to be put to death,” the leader fired back as the others drew their swords.
“Look for yourself. As you can see, she is no longer turned,” Callum offered. Helena still said nothing, but looked at the guards. Her face devoid of emotion.
Sebastian stepped forward and Dominic followed, putting themselves between the royal guard and Callum.. Doing what Alphas did best: protecting their own.
“As you can see, the female is fine and no longer a threat to the race,” Sebastian said, voice stern yet quiet
“You Alphas are a law unto your own, the council shall hear about this, and you,” the guard pointed at Callum, “don’t expect to keep her, she has been marked.” He smiled, the tilt of his lips cruel.
“You dare threaten a bonded?” Dominic intervened. “You dare threaten a warrior? Take your complaints, petty as they are, to the council, I will be giving my own report,” Dominic threatened. Both Alphas stood their ground, watching until the Royal guard had left.
Callum nodded in thanks at his friends. Without them, he wouldn’t have his mate back.
“Callum,” her quiet voice whispered across his cheek. The two males forgotten, he looked down into Helena’s pale eyes and became lost. Emotions that he too felt flashed across them, drawing him in.
“Shhhh, baby, it’s ok, I got you.” Without further thought to Dominic and Sebastian, he pushed through the entrance of his room, kicking the wooden door shut and engaging the lock before he walked over to his large bed. Gently placing Helena down on the duvet, he sat next to her.
Moments passed by as they just stared at each other, pale blue eyes meeting dark green and, for Callum, it felt like the world had stopped. With courage he never knew he had, he slipped off the bed and onto the floor, balancing on his knees.
Still, she never said a word.
Taking both her hands in his own – their size engulfing her smaller, more delicate ones - he turned them over so they were palm up, showing the now slightly darker mark on her right hand.
Still, she never said a word.
Bowing his head, he dragged his gaze away from hers and kissed both palms before placing his forehead in them.
Still, she never said a word.
“Helena, I ask you forgive me,” Callum started and a lump formed in his throat. Although they had been through a partial bonding and she had been pulled back from being turned, Callum - if he was honest - expected Helena to reject him. He didn’t want her to stay out of gratitude or some misplaced idea that she had a promise to keep.
He wanted her to bond with him for one reason and one alone: that she loved him as much as he loved her.
He loved her enough that if she decided here and now that she would walk away, even after everything, he would let her. He owed her that much at least.
“I know I am to blame for the ordeal you have been through, it is my fault that you have been hurt,” he continued, keeping his head down, thankful she hadn’t removed her hands from his grasp. The feel of her warmth centred him like no other. Even a partial bonding intensified his feelings tenfold, and they would only grow with time - unless she rejected him.
“Callum.” His name on her lips, after all this time, was bliss to his ears. The amount of times he had laid awake at night, imagined hearing her voice, seeing her stunning face and touching her soft skin. Finally, she was here.
“Callum,” she repeated, and he lifted his head to look into her eyes once again. Her smile was small, but she didn’t pull away. That gave him h
ope, only her next words floored him:
“Heart of my heart,
Soul of my soul,
Together as one,
Always whole.
This male I take as my bonded,
This male I take as my own,
Bond us together for all time.
Always together, never alone.”
Helena’s soft voice spoke the ancient vow of the succubi bonding ceremony and Callum had frozen in place. He had expected rejection, not for her to initiate their joining. It took all of a few moments for Callum to locate his brain and respond, her frown had him stuttering on the words, trying to get them out before she changed her mind:
“Heart of my heart,
Soul of my soul,
Together as one,
Always whole.
This female I take as my bonded,
This female I take as my own,
Bond us together for all time,
Always together, never alone.”
Without looking, Callum reached for a blade he always kept hidden under the mattress. It was a habit and one he was now thankful for. Taking the steel, he swiped the sharp edge across his left palm and held it up. Helena had now sat up and watched him with that smile still on her lips. Still coated in blood and grime, she would always be the most beautiful creature to ever exist. A tiny part of Callum’s mind rebelled when she gently took the blade from his hand - remembering the way she had attacked him – but that was soon out of his mind as she copied his actions. The blood welled in her palm before she lifted it up and pressed her left palm to his. Their fingers interlocked, blood mingling as they completed the vow together.
“Bonded with blood, bonded with love. By the gods will, let this be done.”
Silence filled the room. In all honesty, Callum had expected the lights to blink and an unknown wind to rush through the room, letting them know the gods approved of their bond. But nothing happened.
He was glad.
The gods didn’t need to tell him this was a good match; his heart did, and right now his heart was screaming for his mate.
“Helena,” he breathed as he stood. Keeping her palm against her, he melded his lips with hers, putting every desperate feeling he had felt since her kidnapping into their kiss. Every feeling of loss he poured into the kiss and he knew she felt the same as her free hand delved into his hair. Her groan had him pulling back.
“Baby, you ok?” he asked, breathless as he pulled back. He was pleased to see she was just as affected as he was.
“Callum, you came for me, you saved me and you brought me back when I had no hope.” Tears filled her eyes and it broke his heart all over again. He went to talk, but she placed her fingers over his lips. “You were with me,” she admitted, “Every time I thought I couldn’t go on, you were there.”
“You were, I remember everything, Callum, every bit of pain he caused, as well as the pain I caused.” Helena touched Callum’s shoulder, her fingers gently tracing the scars. “You came for me when I thought I was lost, that there was no way back from the dark chasm I found myself in. But then you were suddenly there, bringing me home. Saving my soul.”
Tears now fell freely from Helena’s eyes and Callum swiped them away with his thumb, as his own fell. The pain she had been through was unimaginable, yet, here she was, willing to forgive him.
“Callum it was never your fault that I was taken,” she answered, echoing his thoughts, “It was no one’s fault but those animals that took me.” Taking both her hands, she cupped his cheeks.
“Callum, I love you,” she stated simply and pressed her lips to his.
Callum wrapped Helena in his arms, pulling her tight to his body and lifting her off the bed. He felt her wrap her legs around him as their kiss deepened. Without breaking their kiss, Callum walked them towards the bathroom. As much as he needed her, they both weren’t in any state for what he planned. He didn’t want to break the kiss, but forcing his lips away, he smiled down at Helena’s pouting face.
“We need a shower, baby,” he admitted and her eyes widened as she finally realised how filthy they really were. Sitting her on the counter next to the shower, he moved and turned on the hot water before he started to strip out of his joggers, leaving the ripped material on the floor. Thanks to Helena’s earlier behaviour, his shirt had long since been destroyed.
Walking back to stand in front of her, his hands reached up and tugged the material of his t-shirt up and over her head. She showed no embarrassment as her body was revealed to him. Yes, he had seen it before, but not while she was awake.
“Err, yeah,” she replied distractedly, her eyes moving up and down his own naked form. There was nothing but love and trust in her eyes.
“We have time, Callum.” It took a second for him to realise what she was referring to and he smiled back, although his body had other ideas. He willed it to calm as she held out her arms for him. Picking her up into his arms, he walked into the large shower.
“We have all the time in the world, baby,” he answered. They needed time to heal and to be in each other’s arms before he did the honourable thing and made her his completely.
After all, it wasn’t just the sex that made a succubi female so desirable, it was their unconditional love and their ability to forgive.
She was his, just as he was hers.
Bonded now and always.
This wasn’t the end, only the beginning.
With Dark Confusion comes Dark Need
“Enforcer, can you please clarify why the female…” The council member looked at the paper in front of him as he read the name, “Helena, is still alive and why she has not been executed, as per orders?”
Dominic looked at the Royal guard that stood behind the council member, eager to knock the smirk that was on his face, off. It was obvious the guard had done what he had suggested and reported the situation, only the guard wouldn’t have that smirk for much longer. Dominic hated the council; they were pointless. The only reason they had ever had power over the race was because their queen had died, along with her consort and the only heir. But they hoarded whatever power they could get and didn’t like it when anyone challenged them, least of all an enforcer they thought was too low and beneath them to matter.
Keeping his voice neutral, he answered, “Helena was rescued from the facility run by the humans, as reported. Due to the direness of her injuries, enforcer Callum, who had been set to bond with her, made the decision to start the bond to save her life.”
Dominic ignored the whispers from the other members of the council as they displayed their disapproval at the enforcer’s actions.
“But it didn’t work, did it?” The question was fired at him and was laced with distaste.
“Yes, it did, councillor. Helena healed from her injuries. Their bond saved her life,” Dominic countered, starting to lose his patience.
“But she turned!” The statement was said by none other than Michael, the high councillor, and one of the few people that irritated Dominic. Looking him in the eye, Dominic answered honestly, but refused to let these limp-wristed book-jockeys win. They wanted control of everything. Unfortunately for them, the enforcers, especially the Alpha team, were hard to control. The council needed them to protect the race. So, in short, they needed them a damn sight more than the enforcers needed the council.
“Yes, she turned, but Callum was able to bring her back by finishing their bond. Helena is now fully healed and fully bonded.” Dominic spoke loud and clear, making them well aware that now Helena was bonded to one of his warriors, to try to punish her would be to start a rift with the enforcers. They protected their own and they would choose Callum and his mate over the whims of the council.
Michael sneered. They had never got on and Dominic really couldn’t have cared less. Michael’s opinions and ideas on how to rule their race was sketchy at best, and most didn’t trust him. Most had no choice but to follow his lead.
sp; “Dominic, as leader of the Alpha team we need you try and find out if there are any more of these “testing” facilities in London. We cannot risk more members of our race being taken. Take your men and scour the city. Can you do this, or should I ask one of the other teams?”
Dominic’s fists clenched. In his mind, he was ramming them down Michael’s throat. “Yes, we can do that, consider it already done.” Dominic bowed, as was custom. The gesture used to mean great respect, but he had none for Michael. Turning on his heel, he walked out of the chamber. He hated doing what the council said, but with the mood he was in, he was up for a fight.
He had already promised Callum that if they found any other facility, he would grant him the honour of razing it to the ground. It was time to be the leader his enforcers expected; he just hoped it calmed his “other” side enough that he didn’t murder a certain council member. That definitely wouldn’t put him in the council’s good books.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he dialled his second in command. “Bastian, it’s on. Tell the team we leave in thirty.”
It was time for the Alpha team to show why they were the best, the strongest, the most feared.
Why they were Alpha.
Dark Need- Dark Desires, Book 1. Coming 2018
A Note From Jenn
Well here we are, book 5.
I really hoped you liked my boys, my Enforcers. So keep your eyes out for Doms story as well as the others.
I am so excited to see what the future will bring, make sure you join me for the ride by stalking me on all my social media.
As always I owe you readers everything for your support and for reading my books.
Love and hugs